Route objects
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Thanks to the efforts of the educator, bookseller, priest Jonas Katele, Panemunėlis parish became the brightest and most literate region in Lithuania at that time.
SALOSE. Bishop Juozas Tunaitis, the first president of the Order of Malta Relief Service in Lithuania, was born in Davainiškis village, Salų parish. Wooden Salų manor homestead St. The Church of the Cross is an object of cultural heritage.
KAMAJUOSE. Died and buried in Kamajai, Priest Antanas Strazdas (Strazdelis) is the first Lithuanian lyricist to be the author of the chant,, Let's get on our knees"
JŪŽINTUOSE. St. John the Baptist Late Baroque Church of St. Michael the Archangel, built in 1799. with eight ascetic cells inside, it is believed to be the only one in Europe.
BOBRIŠKYJE. Bobriškis region is an important place for the Old Believers community. The first Lithuanian Old Believers' Prayer House was established here 300 years ago.
- KRIAUNOSE. Kriaunai Church has preserved the oldest bell in the Baltic States and a unique collection of liturgical clothing of the church.
ROKIŠKYJE. Rokiškis Church of St. Matthew the Evangelist is an object of cultural heritage, which contains an exposition of liturgical objects donated by unique nobles. 19th Rokiškis Calvary complex of 14 stations was built in.
ROKIŠKYJE. Rokiškis Region Museum is guarded by: 1.5 thousand. the most famous in Lithuania in the 20th century. wooden products of the goddess Lionginas Šepka; over 130 crib; 168 ancient folk sculptures and crosses from the 17th-19th centuries.
ROKIŠKYJE. Rabinas Šmuelis Aba Sniegas was born in Rokiškis - a Jewish chaplain of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, an active supporter of Lithuanian Independence, and the organizer of the first post-war Talmud publishing in Europe.
ONUŠKYJE. European Lithuanian Catholic Bishop Antanas Deksnys, whose native parish is Onuškis. Onuškis St. St. Michael the Archangel Church is the oldest wooden church in the country, built in 1774.
SUVAINIŠKYJE. Suvainiškis St. The Church of St. James the Apostle is included in the European St. Jacob’s path, which since 1993 is protected
PANEMUNYJE. Priest Vladas Mironas, a signatory of the Act of Independence of Lithuania, the Prime Minister of the two Lithuanian governments, and the chaplain of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, was born in Panemunis Parish.